The article is based on years of practical experience, the author highlights the main radio genres in which music correspondent, music reviewer, music commentator, and music leading and a disc jockey work. Theoretical principles of their creative activities are analyzed in common journalistic genres, such as interview, reportage, talk show, live broadcast, radiofilm, as well as specialized genres like concert on demand and music competition. Journalist’ speech is seen as a logical element, the incoming with music in art-structural relationships. However, it does not become the predominant sound layer and aims to harmonious correlation or local penetration into music opus. In addition, important links in music journalism are defined the auxiliary "offscreen" editor's job and keeping the original sound archive. The author cites a number of own work examples on the air.
Bysko M. V. Zvuki sovremennogo informatsionnogo radioefira. In ENZh "Mediamuzyka" [ESM "Mediamusic"], 2012, no. 1. URL: (In Russian).
Radiozhurnalistika. Moscow: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2000. 480 p. (In Russian).
Fessenden H. M. Fessenden: Builder of Tomorrows. N. Y.: Coward-McCan, Inc., 1940. 362 p.
Fisher M. Something in the Air: Radio, Rock, and the Revolution That Shaped a Generation. N. Y.: Random House, Inc., 2007. 400 p.
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