The analysis and possible figurative interpretation of the movie-on-music "One Night. One Life" (directed by O.Herrmann, Germany, 1999) are presented in the article. A synthetic audiovisual text unites the musical and lyrical text of the primary source, the vocal cycle "Pierrot Lunaire" composed by A.Schoenberg, and the video text of the director, enclosing a "counter-imagery". The proposed concept of studying this film is revealed with using a certain methodology and it realizes the subject of Personality’s psychological problems in the modern world, which are inherent to the original music text and they are considerably strengthened by the filmmaker. The artistic film discourse in the philosophical-existential and sociological manner reveals both the ontological constancy and universality of these problems and their hypertrophy in the contemporary "society of the spectacle". Also, it leads us to the idea of the need to resist the role imposed for citizens by the established economic order.
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