In media, static political media cartoons systematically began to appear in the first half of the 19th century. In the next century, it vividly showed itself in sound media works, into which it entered indirectly through the genre of art parody of literary, musical, cinematic or media sources. To understand the sound parody-with-caricatures, the authors noted the importance of the system of acquired semantic meanings formed by the viewer, primarily related to films and other popular genres. Among the significant Russian-language samples of the political sound media cartoons, the issues of the Russian TV-program Kukli (Puppets) and the German Internet project Zapovednik (Restricted Area with Special Legal Status) were separately analyzed. Zapovednik discovered a new milestone in the development of media genre in the XXI century. Using its issues, the functioning of music and other sounds was briefly reviewed in relation to the moving media cartoons and the parody scene in general. The authors of the study drew particular attention to the multi-level principle of the building a parody-with-caricatures.
Denisov A. V. O fenomene parodii v muzykal'nom iskusstve. In Chelovek i kul'tura, 2012, no. 1, pp. 206-227. URL: (accessed 29.11.2019). (In Russian).
Parodiya. In Enciklopedicheskiy muzykal'niy slovar'. Moscow: Sov. Enciklopediya, 1966, pp. 380-381. (In Russian).
Press Ch. The Political Cartoon. Rutherford-Madison-Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. L. and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1981. 365 p.
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