Irina Gorbunova, Anastasia Pankova


Musical creativity in computer environment creates the possibility for free mastery of all sound material and its artistically efficient application in practice. The digital environment also contributes to the sustainable identification of the synesthetic regularity of music (spatial-auditory communications, the color hearing), which creates optimal conditions for a deeper understanding of the music semantics and its functioning. These opportunities are important for the formation of new approaches to the problems of a professional musician training, including the development of promising methods of modern music education. The article discusses the implementation of the actual remote musical educational process features on the example of activity of the Educational and Methodical Laboratory “Music & Computer Technologies” at the Herzen University (St. Petersburg). Here, a system of professional retraining and advanced training of musician teachers was developed, it is based on the virtual learning environment Moodle freely distributed. The authors pay special attention to its educational elements, which allow to organize the process of teaching musical creativity in a digital format. They consider with concrete examples both the learning process itself and the control measures that allow to  form consistently the key competencies of the music teacher. This is necessary for his professional activities in the digital educational environment.


remote education; music; creativity; Moodle; e-learning


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