The author of the article focuses on traditional musical instruments that appear in such screen arts as animation and cinema. We are talking about a number of musical instruments, including xiao, qin, pipa, dizi. Each of them plays a key role in creative projects based on the dialogue between Russia and China. This refers to the animated films The Brothers Liu (1953) and The Brothers Hulu (1986), which are analyzed against the backdrop of the Russian folk tale Seven Simeons, as well as the feature film The Magic portrait created in 1997 by Russian-Chinese filmmakers. Noting in the animation the presence of a close relationship between number and sound, which plays a special role in traditional Chinese culture, the author also focuses on the correspondence of the name of the main character of the film to the name of musical instruments, which becomes decisive for the girl's actions. In addition, a detailed study of the storyline of the The Magic Portrait reveals a parallel with the opera The Magic Flute by Mozart and the novel Journey to the Land of the East by Hesse. The points of contact updated by the author testify to the widest cultural interchange, during which each of the countries participating in the desired dialogue is enriched, when local culture acts as an integral part of the world artistic heritage.
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