Any art work lives if it is perceived by readers, viewers, listeners, performers-interpreters and researchers. The emerging public resonance is comprehended in aesthetics in the context of the social functions of art. The proposed analysis of the one-act video ballet "Bolero" 2020 performed by Sergei Polunin (as a part of an information and educational project of moral support through the means of art for thousands of patients with a multiple sclerosis) requires precisely this aspect of consideration. The originality of the conceptual solution of this art video is established by comparing with other visual versions of reading the music of Maurice Ravel. An analysis of its synthetic text (background, makeup, costume, plastic, symbolic pas) allows us to conclude that the visual comprehensibility of the artistic language of the ballet, in which recognizes the artistically refined image of the signs of the disease, the enormous positive charge of feelings caused by its perception, and the practical therapeutic utility provide the project with effectiveness and value in artistic and social terms.
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