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Author Guidelines

Accepted scientific reviews and articles in Russian and English in Word format:

  • size 14
  • font TNR
  • single-spaced
  • indentation of first line of a paragraph is 1 cm
  • footnotes paged with continuous numbering

The volume of one scientific review or article is until 40.000 characters with spaces. The volume of the publication for the "Info page" is 5.000 — 20.000 characters with spaces.

  • About the author: full author’s name, scientists degrees, official capacity, positions and places of job, e-mail
  • Title: is spelled in lowercase letters
  • Abstract: is 500-1500 characters with spaces
  • Keywords: are 5-10
  • UDC numbers: are 1-3

It is important! The title should be as short as possible. The length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words. The title and the abstract should clearly reflect the content of the article, indicate the specific subject of your research, its goal and methods, and also describe the specific results of the research. The abstract should be understandable without reference to the full text. Keywords should be as valuable as possible to search engines, preferably not to repeat terms from the title. If there are several UDC numbers, they are written with "+" (for example: 654.19 + 78.05).

Bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets in italics. For example: [1, p. 12-15] or [8, p. 67; 9, p. 304].

An alphabetical list of References (Works cited) is contained at the end of the main text. For each reference points the following: author, title, editor (if it is a collection of articles), city, publisher, year (for journals indicates the month and issue number), the total number of pages (if the fragment, then the particular pages). For example:

     Bysko, Мaxim V. Electronic scientific magazine "Mediamusic". In Music Scholarship, 2013, no. 1 (12), pp. 46-47.

Multimedia materials (2-10 files). Portable documents (pdf, ppt, etc.), images (jpg, png, gif), audio (mp3) and video files (mp4), as well as specialized application files are provided separately or as links to them (the estimated location of the files in the text should be indicated, preferably with signed names). The contributors should specify the authors of works in these files (сomposers, songwriters, authors of texts, painters, photographers, film directors, scriptwriters). All files must be of acceptable technical quality for electronic publication.


Copyright Notice

In the case of publication, the authors guarantee the transfer of a proprietary copyright on their materials (non-exclusive license), and the authors pay for publishing services: technical support of materials (html-layout, xml-files production, CD production, archiving and including materials in the science-metric databases, scientific libraries and into Informregister), legal support of multimedia materials.


When citing, reprinting or archiving materials of e-journal, reference to the ESM Mediamusic is strictly required!


Privacy Statement

Publishing house "Mediamusic" has the right to store and use the Author’s personal data on the website of the Electronic scientific magazine Mediamusic, in the science-metric databases, scientific libraries, into Informregister, and also in promotional materials.