Liudmila N. Shaimukhametova


The article contains information about innovative educational programs, reflecting the author's concept of the creative interaction of a performer with a musical text. From 2001 to 2015, this concept was developed in the Laboratory of Musical Semantics at the Ufa Academy of Arts, and since 2018, it is being implemented and continues its development at the
specially created scientific-methodical center "Innovative Art Studies". The author makes a scientific review of educational programs based on the adaptation of modern research of the Laboratory to the practical works of teachers at music and art schools. Presents the distance learning projects with the different duration (from 18 to 250 hours), describes the possibilities and advantages of distance learning in the system of additional professional education. Programs are grouped into blocks,
such as "School of Performing Interpretation and Articulation" (classic-romantic type of interaction) and "School of Piano Transcription" (ensemble playing baroque music). The author informs about the possibilities of modernization of the art education, about the use of new technologies for working with texts in the piano class, about the inclusion a keyboard synthesizer in the methodological process.


Music school;art school;scientific-methodological center;art studies;distance learning;innovative programs;additional education;Laboratory of Musical Semantics;keyboard synthesizer


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