Dmitry Bakirov


The article analyzes diegetic and non-diegetic forms of sound use described at the Eisenstein’s Hollywood scenarios in 1930 (“Sutter's Gold“, “American Tragedy“). These scripts created in the era of early sound cinema became an innovation in using of sound scores as an integral part of the film dramas. Here, the special attention is paid to the classification of possibilities of transferring the subjective perception of characters by means of the various sound solutions, such as meta-diegetic, oneiric sounds, sound distortion, and internal monologue. The author compares the modern narratological classification of sounds and their relation to the film’s diegesis with Eisenstein’s scripts created in the era of early sound cinema. And he reveals the innovation of the dramatic texts written by Soviet film director.


diegesis; metadiegesis; non-diegetic; oneiric; sound cinema; voice over; internal monologue; film script; Eisenstein; “Sutter's Gold“; “American Tragedy“


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