The article discusses the relationship between Edison Denisov's opera Froth on the Daydream (1981) and its literary source novel L᾽Écume des jours (1946), wtitten by Boris Vian. The researcher focuses on musical quotes and images from the Vian’s text and their embodiment in the libretto and in the Denisov’s music. One of the main "musical motifs" of the novel is the tunes composed by Duke Ellington and his composition Chloe, which gave the name to the main character of the Vian’s novel. The emphasis on jazz music is explained by the biography of Vian, who acted as a trumpeter in a jazz ensemble and acted as a songwriter also. The cases of citing text and music of Ellington’s compositions by Denisov and of specific features of adaptation the quotes to the composer's style are described here. Author analyses opera episodes, the musical solution of which was prompted by the text of Boris Vian, such as the scene on the ice rink, skaters deaths, and the final scene with the participation of Cat, Mouse and the choir of blind girls, and others. Based on a comparison of the novel and opera, the author draws conclusions about the similarities and differences in the worldview and aesthetic positions of Boris Vian and Edison Denisov.
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