This article is devoted to the history of creation and processing of the famous song of the late 1980s Road Tango. The song attracts by a complex image of "lilac fog", which is not found in the presumably original source text written by the composer Yuri Lipatov, but this image is found in variable performances by Arkadiy Severnyi or Vladimir Markin. The analysis of "lilac" colorative in a branched cultural-historical context allows revealing the ontological subtext in the song. So, the article takes into account all significant changes in the lyrics that are made by the folk as a whole artist. "Lilac fog" image compels the researcher to turn to the aesthetics of a modernism, to the poetry of the Symbolists, in whose works the lilac color was dominant, as well as to the works of M. Vrubel and J. Malchevskiy, representing a symbolism in their painting. The lilac color has the semantics of the inexpressible; it is the color of otherness in art of the beginning of the 20th century. In the song Road Tango, "lilac" colorative is connected with the feminine principle, the philosophy of Russian Eros. But in modern poetry, this image does not disappear. And the image of "lilac remoteness" appears also in Valeriy Dudarev’s poem Acrobatic Etude, which is referred by critics to the aesthetics of the famous song. The study is based on a holistic analysis of a literary text using the structural-typological, comparative, system-integrated (culturological) research methods.
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